
  • The constitution of India contains 12 Schedules. The original Constitution contained eight Schedules. The Ninth Schedule was added by the First Constitutional Amendment in 1951. Tenth Schedule Was added to the Constitution by the 52nd Amendment in 1985. It contains provisions disqualifications on the grounds of detection.
  • The Eleventh Schedule was added to the Constitution by the 73rd Amendment, carried out in December 1992. This Schedule contains 29 subjects, on which the Panchayats enjoy administrative control. The Twelfth Schedule, was added to the Constitution by 74″‘ Amendment, in December 1992.
  • It lists 18 subjects, on which municipalities enjoy administrative control.

List of Schedules


Important Provisions


Deals with the territories of the 25 states and seven union territories of the Indian Union.


Deals with the salaries, allowances, etc. of the President, Vice-President, Speaker, judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, the Comptroller and Auditor General, etc


Prescribes the various forms of oath or affirmation which various incumbents have to take before assuming a public office.


Details the seats allotted to various states and union territories in the Raja Sabha


Deals with the administration and control of the Schedule Areas


Deals with provision regarding administration of tribal areas in the states of Assam,Meghalaya and Mizoram


Details the subjects contained in the three list-union list,state list and concurrent list,over which the Union and state governments enjoy authority


Gives the list of 18 regional languages recognized by the Constitution .Of these were recognized by the original constitution. The 15th  (Sindhi) was added by the 21st

Amendment in 1967;and three viz., Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali  were added by the 71st   Amendment 1992.


Contain certain acts end regulations of the state legislature dealing with land reforms and abolition of the zamindari system.


This Schedule inserted by the 52nd Amendment in 1985, contains provisions regarding disqualifications on grounds of defection.


This Schedule, inserted by 73rd Amendment in 1993, lists 29 subjects, on which the panchayats have been given administrative control.


This Schedule, added by 74th Amendment in 1992, lists 18 subjects, on which the municipalities have administrative control.


Sources                                                                      Features Borrowed

1.Government of India Act of 1935          -Federal Scheme, Office of governor, Judiciary, Public Service Commissions, Emergency provisions and administrative details.

2.British Constitution                      -Parliamentary government, Rule of Law, Legislative procedure, single citizenship, cabinet system, prerogative writs, parliamentary privileges and bicameralism.

3.US Constitution                            -Fundamental rights, independence of judiciary, judicial review, impeachment of the president, removal of Supreme Court and high court judges and post of vice president.

4.Irish Constitution                          -Directive Principles of State Policy, nominations of members to Rajya Sabha and method of election of president.

5.Canadian Constitution                 -Federation with a strong Centre,vesting of residuary powers in the Centre, and advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

6.Australian Constitution                -Concurrent List, freedom of trade, commerce and inter course, and joint sitting of the Houses of Parliament.

7.Weimar Constitution of Germany          -Suspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency.

8.Soviet Constitution(USSR, now Russia)-Fundamental duties and the ideal of justice (social, economic and political) in the Preamble.

9.French Constitution                      -Republic and the ideals of  liberty, equality and fraternity in the Preamble.

10.South African Constitution       -Procedure for amendment of the Constitution and election of members of Rajya Sabha

11.Japanese Constitution                -Procedure established by Law.

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