Demand for Pakistan
 In 1930, Md Iqbal for the first time suggested that the Frontier Province,
Sind, Baluchistan and Kashmir be made the Muslim state within the
 Chaudhary Rehmat Ali coined the term ‘Pakistan’ (later Pakistan).
 The fear of Muslims to be subjugated by Hindus in free India was realized by
Jinnah and he demanded for the creation of Pakistan.
 Pakistan Resolution Muslim League first passed the proposal of seperate
Pakistan in its Lahore Session in 1940 (called Jinnah’s Two-Nation theory).
It was drafted by Sikandar Hayat Khan, moved by FazlulHaq and
seconded by Khaliquzzaman. It rejected the federal scheme envisaged in the
Government of India Act, 1935. In December 1943, the Karachi Session of
the Muslim League adopted the slogan-‘Divide and Quit’

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